Our patients are seen by appointment only and are scheduled to respect your time. We reserve a specific time for each child’s care, and we make every effort to see you at the appointed time. These dental appointments may vary according to a child’s needs and level of cooperation. By staying on schedule, we can give every child the attention and care they deserve in as pleasant an atmosphere as possible.
Because our practice is limited to children, it is not possible to give everyone appointments in the late afternoon. We like to reserve these times for older children. Children under 5 usually are in a better frame of mind and have a positive experience in the morning. The best time for these appointments is not after school when your child is tired of sitting and either needs rest or physical activity. We also prefer to see children requiring longer appointments in the morning when they are rested and alert. These recommendations go a long way in having a comfortable experience at the dental office.
We will be happy to provide your child with a signed verification and school excuse for the day of the appointment.
As a courtesy, our treatment coordinators will attempt to confirm your child’s appointment in advance. However, we do ask that parents assume responsibility for their child’s appointment time. If you do need to change an appointment, we ask that you provide our office with a 24-hour notice, which will allow us to make this time available to patients who could benefit by having treatment done sooner.
Late Arrivals
Late arrival for a scheduled appointment leads to inadequate time to accommodate the remaining patients on the schedule. As such, late arrivals of greater than 10 minutes may not be able to be seen depending on the time available. In addition, those patients who are on the schedule and here at the assigned time will be seen first. We will try to accommodate late appointments if time permits.

Payment Policies and Insurance
For patients without insurance, payment in full is expected on the day service is rendered. Major credit cards, checks, and cash are accepted.
For those patients with dental insurance, if we have received all of your insurance information on the day of the appointment, we will be happy to file your claim for you.
You must be familiar with your insurance benefits, as we will collect from you the estimated amount insurance is not expected to pay.
Please keep us informed of any insurance changes such as policy name, insurance company address, or change of employment.